Shareholders’ Meetings Archives
Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of June 07, 2023.
The Air France-KLM annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held on Wednesday June 7th, 2023 at 14h30 at the Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Hotel, 9 rue de Rome, 93290 Tremblay-en-France. You can replay the meeting via the Webcast.
- Key decisions approved by the Shareholders' Meeting of June 7, 2023
- Results of the votes of June 7th, 2023
- Number of issued shares: 2,570,536,136
- Number of shares with voting right: 2,569,328,131
- Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 7,329
- Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 1,637,809,084
- Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 1,894,704,018
- Quorum: 63.74 %
Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting:
Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 28,2023 (French version only)
Convening notice published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on May 19,2023 (French version only)
2022 Universal Registration Document
Declaration of number of voting rights on April 28, 2023
2022 Consolidated financial statements
Information on remuneration:
Information on remuneration (extract from the 2022 Universal Registration Document)
Statutory Auditors' report:
- Statutory auditors' report on the 2022 financial statements
- Statutory auditors' report on the 2022 consolidated financial statements
- Statutory auditors’ special report on related-party agreements
- Statutory auditors’ special report on issuance of new shares or other securities granting rights to the share capital reserved for members of a company savings plan
- Statutory auditors’ special report on issuance of new shares or other securities granting rights to the share capital
- Statutory auditors’ special report on the issuance of shares and other marketable securities with or without preferential subscription rights
- Statutory Auditors’ report on capital reduction
The Air France-KLM annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 14h30 at the Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Hotel, 9 rue de Rome, 93290 Tremblay-en-France. You can replay the Meeting via the Webcast.
key decisions approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 24, 2022
- Number of issued shares: 642 634 034
- Number of shares with voting right: 641 426 029
- Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 7 488
- Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: : 373 675 288
- Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 583 571 703
- Quorum: 58.26 %
Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting:
Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 18, 2022 (French version only)
Convening notice published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on May 6, 2022
New resolution proposed to the vote of the shareholders relating : to be added during the AGM session
Information on remuneration:
Information on remuneration (extract from the 2021 Universal Registration Document)
Complementary information on the remuneration of the CEO of Air France-KLM
Statutory Auditors' reports:
The Air France-KLM Shareholders' Meeting was held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. at 45 rue de Paris, 95747 Roissy CDG, Cedex, without the physical presence of its shareholders or other persons entitled to attend due to the context of the health crisis and in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Ordinance n°2020-321 of March 25, 2020 as amended by Order no. 2020-1497 of December 2, 2020 and Decree no. 2020-418 of April 10, 2020, as amended by Decrees no. 2020-1614 of December 18, 2020 and no. 2021-255 of March 9, 2021.
At any time, you can watch a replay of the Shareholders' Meeting on our website via webcast.
1. Press release Air France-KLM: key decisions approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2021
2. Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes
Number of issued shares: 642 634 034
Number of shares with voting right: 641 426 029
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 7 533
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 396 102 573
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 560 871 635 Quorum: 61.753 %
3. Summarized minutes of the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of May 26, 2021
Conditions for participating in the Shareholders' Meeting of May 26, 2021
1. Conditions for participating in the Shareholders' Meeting of May 26, 2021
Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
1. Answers to questions in writing for shareholders
2. Answers to additional written questions of shareholders
Documents relating to the Shareholders' Meeting
1. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 21, 2021 (French Version Only)
2. Convening notice published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on May 10, 2021 (French Version Only)
3. 2020 Universal Registration Document
7. Declaration of number of voting rights on April 21, 2021
9. 2020 Consolidated financial statements
Information on remuneration
1. Information on remuneration (extract from the 2020 Universal Registration Document)
Statutory Auditors' reports
1. Statutory auditors' report on the 2020 financial
2. Statutory auditors' report on the 2020 consolidated financial statements
3. 2020 Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
The Air France-KLM Shareholders' Meeting was held behind closed doors on Tuesday 26 May 2020 at 2.30 p.m. at 45 rue de Paris, 95747 Roissy CDG, Cedex, without the physical presence of shareholders or other persons entitled to attend due to the health context and in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Ordinance n°2020-321 of March 25, 2020.
You can watch the replay of this Shareholders’ Meeting via webcast on our website.
1. Press release Air France-KLM: key decisions approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2020
2. Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes
Number of issued shares: 428 634 035
Number of shares with voting right: 427 432 464
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 6 386
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 283 176 719
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 387 928 874 Quorum: 66.250%
Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
1.Answers to questions in writing from shareholders
Conditions for participating in the Shareholders' Meeting of May 26, 2020
1. Conditions for participating in the Shareholders' Meeting of May 26, 2020
Documents relating to the Shareholders' Meeting
1. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 17, 2020 (French Version Only)
2. 2019 Universal Registration Document
6. Declaration of number of voting rights on April 17, 2020
8. 2019 Consolidated financial statements
Information on remuneration
1. Information on remuneration (extract from the 2019 Universal Registration Document
Statutory Auditors' reports ".
1. Statutory auditors' report on the 2019 financial
2. Statutory auditors' report on the 2019 consolidated financial statements
3. 2019 Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
1. Press release Air France-KLM: key decisions of the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 28, 2019
2. Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes (French version only)
Number of issued shares: 428 634 035
Number of shares with voting right: 427 487 656
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 8 792
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 304 481 510
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 361 678 598 Quorum: 71, 225%
Answers to written questions from shareholders
1. Answers to written questions from shareholders
Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting
1. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 3, 2019 (French Version Only)
4. Convening notice published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on May 6, 2019 (French Version Only)
Amendments that would result in case of adoption of this resolution are indicated in revision marks to the current version of the Articles of Incorporation.
8. Declaration of number of voting rights on April 3, 2019
10. 2018 Consolidated financial statements
12. Supplementary report of the Board of Directors (OCEANE)
Say on Pay
1. Executive & Non-executive officers’ compensation in respect of the 2018 financial year
3. Complementary Information on the remuneration of the Air France – KLM’ CEO
Statutory Auditors' reports
1. Statutory auditors' report on the 2018 financial statements
2. Statutory auditors' report on the 2018 consolidated financial statements
3. Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
5. Statutory Auditors’ Report on the authorization for the free existing shares allocation
7. Statutory auditors’ report on the OCEANE issuance (french version only)
1. Press release Air France-KLM: key decisions of the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 15, 2018
3. Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes
Number of issued shares: 428,634,035
Number of shares with voting right: 427,487,656
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 10,318
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 254,593,932
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 311,743,426 Quorum: 59.555%
Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting
Documents relating to the Shareholders' Meeting
2. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on March 28, 2018 (French Version Only)
4. Convening Notice published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on April 20, 2018 (French Version Only)
7. Declaration of number of voting right at March 28, 2018
9. Consolidated financial statements
Say on Pay
1. Compensation of the executive officer in respect of the 2017 financial year
3. Press release on the compensation of the executive officer
Statutory Auditors' reports
1. Statutory auditors' report on the financial statements
2. Statutory auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements
3. Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes (French only)
Number of issued shares: 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 299,072,784
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 6,750
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 164,039,324
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 220,028,437 Qorum: 54.849%
Answers to written questions from shareholders
Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting
1. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on July 31, 2017 (French Version Only)
5. Information about the board directors whose appointment is proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting
6. Declaration of number of voting rights as at July 31, 2017
Statutory auditors reports
Additional Information
1. Update to the Registration Document dated 17 August 2017
2. Securities Note relating to thereserved capital increases
Press release: Air France-KLM: key decisions of the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 16, 2017
Summary minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 16, 2017
Results of the votes: click here to download the results of the votes
Number of issued shares: 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 299,070,075
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 11,768
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 145,939,620
Number of voting rights belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 204,285,837 Qorum: 48.797%
Questions in writting from shareholders'
Documents relating to the Shareholders' Meeting
2. Notice of Meeting published in the legal newspaper (BALO) on March 24, 2017 (French Version Only)
7. Authorizations to increase the capital
8. Declaration of number of voting rights as at March 24, 2017
10. Consolidated financial statements
Statutory Auditors' reports
1. Statutory auditors' report on the financial statements
2. Statutory auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements
3. Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
6. Statutory auditors' report on the authorization for the free existing shares allocation
Press Release : Air France-KLM: key decisions of the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting
Summary minutes of the 19 May 2016 AGM
Results of the votes
Click here to download the results of the votes
Number of issued shares: 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 269,069,700
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 11,401
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 221,634,933 Qorum: 56.846%
Questions in writting from shareholders'
Documents relating to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
3. Notice of meeting (French version) published in the legal newsparer (BALO) on March 30, 2016
6. Declaration of number of voting rights
8. Consolidated financial statements
Statutory Auditors' reports
1. Statutory auditors' report on the financial statements
2. Statutory auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements
3. Statutory auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
During the last meeting on Thursday 21 May 2015 where more than 13,000 shareholders were present or represented, the following decisions were taken :
- Alexandre de Juniac's term of office as director was renewed for 4 years with 94.2% of the votes and the Board reappointed him as Group Chairman and CEO;
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Dominique Comolli were confirmed in their positions as directors, respectively with 89.4% and 82.6% of the votes;
- Patrick Vieu was appointed director on the proposal of the French state, with 82.5% of votes; he replaces Régine Bréhier whose term of office ended after the meeting;
- Shareholders adopted the principle of the attribution of double voting rights to shares held in registered form for two years, since the resolution preserving single voting rights obtained only 56.6% of favorable votes, while it needed 66.6% to be approved.
- A set of other conventional provisions was passed notably to adapt the company's articles of association to legislative developments during the year.
Alexandre de Juniac, Chairman and CEO of Air France-KLM, said: "By renewing my term of office, Air France-KLM's shareholders have first and foremost expressed their support for the project that we have been developing over the past months, embodied by our strategic plan Perform 2020. With this plan, Air France-KLM is building its future together with all its employees : while pursuing its profound transformation, it is investing in its products, its brands and growth sectors”.
Number of issued shares : 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 296,068,882
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 13,475
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 173,464,076 Qorum: 58.589%
Questions in writting from shareholders'
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting
Report from the Board of directors to the AGM (resolutions and aims of the resolutions)
Declaration of number of voting rights at March 27, 2015
Statutory Financial Statements
Management Annual Financial Report 2014 (including the Management Report)
Statutory Auditors' report
Statutory auditors' report on the financial statements
Statutory auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements
Number of issued shares: 300.219.278
Number of shares with voting right: 296.039.474
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 12.635
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 171.490.146 Qorum: 57.9%
Questions in writting from shareholders'
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting
- Convening notice (PDF, 2.13 MB)
- Notice of Meeting (PDF)
- Declaration of number of voting rights at April 4, 2014 (PDF)
- Report from the Board of directors to the AGM (resolutions and aims of the resolutions) (PDF)
- Financial statements (PDF, 1.84 MB)
- Statutory Financial Statements (PDF)
- Voting Form (PDF)
- Registration document 2013 (PDF, 2.74 MB)
- Management Report 2013 (PDF, 2.20 MB)
Statutory Auditors' report
Statutory auditors' report on the financial statements (PDF)
Statutory auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements (PDF)
Statutory Auditors' special report on regulated agreements and commitments (PDF)
Number of issued shares: 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 296,029,873
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 13,582
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 142,218,928 Qorum: 48.04%
Questions in writing from shareholders'
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting
- Summary minutes of the AGM 2013 (PDF)
- Convening notice (PDF, 2.73 MB)
- Notice of Meeting (PDF)
- Registration document 2012 (PDF, 5.43 MB)
- Declaration of number of voting rights at March 29, 2013 (PDF)
- Management Report 2012 (PDF)
- Financial Statements (PDF)
- Statutory financial statements (PDF)
- Supplementary report of the Board of directors (OCEANE) (PDF)
- Voting Form (PDF, 1.67 MB)
Only forms completed and received by Société Générale at least three days before the meeting and accompanied by the certificate of shareholding provided by your financial intermediary for bearer shareholders will be taken into account.
Statutory Auditors' report
- Report on the financial statements (PDF)
- Report on the consolidated financial statements (PDF)
- Special report on regulated agreements and commitments (PDF)
- Report prepared in accordance with article L.2254-235 of the French Commercial Code on the report prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PDF)
- The share capital transactions included in the 9th,10th,11th,12th and 14th resolutions of the May 16, 2013 Combined Shareholders' Meeting (PDF)
- Report on the issuance of equity securities granting entitlement, by any and all means, immediately or in the future, of ordinary shares of the comp... (PDF)
Number of issued shares: 300,219,278
Number of shares with voting right: 296,029,812
Number of shareholders attending the Meeting or being represented: 14,371
Number of shares belonging to attending or represented shareholders: 111,468,698 Qorum: 37.65%
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting
- Minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting 2012 (PDF)
- Notice of Meeting (PDF)
- Convening notice (PDF)
- Voting form (PDF)
- Declaration of number of voting rights at April 4, 2012 (PDF)
- Registration document 2011 (PDF, 1.41 MB)
- Management report 2011 (PDF)
- Consolidated financial statements 2011 (PDF)
- Statutory financial statements 2011 (PDF)
Statutory Auditors' report
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting
- Chairman's letter (PDF)
- Notice of meeting (PDF)
- Convening notice (PDF, 1.17 MB)
- Voting form (PDF, 1.03 MB)
- Management report 2010-11 (PDF)
- Reference document 2010-11 (PDF, 3.52 MB)
- Consolidated financial statements 2010-11 (PDF)
- Statutory financial statements 2010-11 (PDF)
- Number of shares and voting rights as of May 27, 2011 (PDF)
Statutory auditors' report
- Financial statements (PDF)
- Consolidated financial statements (PDF)
- Share capital transactions included in the 8th,9th,10th and 12th resolutions (PDF)
- Regulated agreements and commitments (PDF)
- Report prepared in accordance with L.225-235 of the French commercial law on the report prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PDF)
Documents relating to the Annual General Meeting of July 8, 2010
- Notice of meeting 2010 (PDF)
- Convening notice 2010 (PDF)
- Voting form 2010 (PDF)
- Management report 2009-10 (PDF)
- Statutory financial statements 2009-10 (PDF)
- Summary of the proposed resolutions as of July 8, 2010 (PDF)
Statutory auditors' report
- Consolidated financial statements 2009-10 (PDF)
- Share capital transactions included in the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 25th resolutions (PDF)
- Regulated agreements and commitments 2010 (PDF)
- Report prepared in accordance with article L.225-235 of French commercial law on the report prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 (PDF)