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Share listing details
Air France-KLM shares have been listed since February 22, 1999. Shares are eligible for the SRD and may be held within a PEA.
Presence in the indices
- National indices: CAC Next20, CAC Large60, SBF 120
- Europeans indices : STOXX Europe 600, STOXX Europe 600 Travel and Leisure, EUROSTOXX
- Euronext FAS IAS Index values with significant employee ownership
- Sustainable development indices: Dow Jones Sustainability Index World, Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe
The service securities and coupon payments are guaranteed by Société Générale, 32 rue du Champ de Tir, BP 81236-44312, Nantes Cedex 3.
Listed on
Euronext Paris, Amsterdam
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Air France-KLM is a major player in international air transport. Our Group's global network offers flights to over 300 destinations, covered by Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, and Transavia.
The Air France-KLM Group operates one of the most extensive flight networks between Europe and the rest of the world, thanks to the influence of its two international hubs: Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam Schiphol.
At Air France-KLM, we are proud to bring people together, to help our customers discover new places and new cultures, and to secure the sustainability of our economic exchanges, thus fulfilling one of humankind's oldest dreams on a daily basis.
Our financial capital guarantees not only the financial sustainability of Air France - KLM, but also our ability to accelerate its transformation and create value, in interaction with all other capital.