June 2020
Sustainable Annual Report 2019
Sustainable Annual Report 2019
The Air France-KLM Group publishes its 2019 Sustainable Development report, to be discovered online here.
100% digital, this report presents the Group's strategy, commitments and all actions carried out by the Group in 2019 as part of its transition to a sustainable future.
For 15 years the AFKL Group has been recognized as a leader in the sustainable transition of the air transport industry. In 2019, its achievements were once again recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which ranked the Air France-KLM Group first place.
After achieving its 2020 targets ahead of schedule, in 2019 Air France-KLM set ambitious new targets to reduce its carbon footprint by 2030, with a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions per passenger/km compared with 2005 levels.
The transformation of the Air France-KLM Group following the global Covid-19 crisis involves accelerating its environmental goals for its own future and for the future of the entire industry. "I would like to thank all 83,000 employees of the Air France-KLM Group,” said Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Air France-KLM.
“Through their environmental and societal stewardship, we were able to achieve our 2019 environmental goals. The Covid-19 crisis is a catalyst for celerating the transformation of civil aviation, and it presents an opportunity to further strengthen our long-standing commitment to transition to a more sustainable future as we seek to find an ecological and economic balance. Our priority is to regain our competitiveness in a deeply changed world, but also reaffirm our leadership in the sustainable transition of our sector.”